RMD foundation
Everything that the Manikchand Group is today, we owe it to the society that nourished and nurtured us. We believe it is our turn to give back to the society now. Being socially responsible is ingrained in the very ethos of our organization. Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility echoes in the silent work that we have been carrying out under the title of RMD Foundation.
From building education institutes to providing primary healthcare and taking care of the physically and mentally challenged; the Foundation carries out various initiatives for the general upliftment of people and the greater good of the environment. We have provided relief during times of distress such as natural disasters, riots, etc. through various means like monetary contributions, reconstruction of schools, providing shelter, food and other essentials.
We have built and continuously supported:
  • Centres of Excellence: Colleges, Schools, Hostels and Stadiums. We also provide scholarships to students
  • Centres of Healthcare and Wellness: Hospitals and Cardiac Care Units, We donate medical equipment, provide subsidized medical treatment and conduct medical camps
  • Centres of Care: Old Age Homes and Centres tor the Physically and Mentally Challenged
  • Centres Of Divinity: Temples and Ashrams. We provide support to several cultural and social activities